Local bouquet by Local Color Flowers including ranunculus, tulips, anemones, peonies, gerbera daisies, curly willow.
Photo by The Madious
The Maryland Cut Flower Growers Association is a collective of flower growers dedicated to producing high quality blooms for local consumers.
Find a flower farmer near you!
Local bouquet by Scarborough Farm including hellebores, viburnum, lily of the valley, sweet pea vine, daffodils, succulents.
Why buy local?
Local flowers last up to three times as long as flowers shipped internationally! They have stronger scents and brighter colors. And, your local Maryland farmers cherish the relationships we have with you at market, CSA pickup, and our farm stands.
Aside from reducing your carbon footprint, buying local means participating in your local economy. It also means knowing how your flowers were grown, and feeling good that your purchase supports eco-friendly practices and healthy work environments.